The Daily Dose/October 5, 2018

The Daily Dose/October 5, 2018
By Gaylon Kent
America’s Funniest Guy

In The News
If I were a United States Senator I would vote no on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the United States Supreme Court.

(I am not, of course, a United States Senator. I tried, in 2014, but the good people of Colorado only gave me enough votes to finish third in a six-candidate race.)

It has nothing to do with believing or not believing any of the testimony from the extraordinary hearing on September 27. Ms Ford’s testimony was compelling and believable and besides, what woman would put herself through this for a charade? Kavanaugh didn’t strike me as a liar and it is entirely possible both Ford and Kavanaugh genuinely believe they are telling the truth.

Other aspects of Kavanaugh’s testimony gave me pause, though. Part of it was his long opening statement. All he really needed to say was “These allegations are false, I am ready to field your questions”. Two, he was awfully cantankerous. More than anything, however, was his utter inability to directly answer a question. Time and time again a senator would ask a question and time and time again he would not answer it. Sometimes he would respond with a question of his own and other times he would go off on a tangent. More than once it occurred to me after he completed a response that he really hadn’t answered the question posed to him and that somewhere Richard Nixon is looking down on this and smiling.

We deserve better in a Supreme Court justice. We deserve someone who can directly answer a question.

Today at the Site
A busy day for Sparrow on The Diary of a Nobody, as he has two job interviews, has a follow-up appointment at the dentist and he gets a haircut. As a bonus, today’s entry is presented in chronological order.

I know from asking this question as an interviewer that it is best to come up with a fault or two in this circumstance…”I have no faults” is not an appropriate answer, so I said – and this is true enough – that I am a champion procrastinator.

The Thought for the Day continues to take some time off. Today we offer a repeat from the summer of 2017, from Minnesota Fats about being great. Click here to read it.

Fats was great himself and like many great men and women they had a great belief in others because they had a great belief in themselves. 

On This Date
In 1947 – President Harry S Truman becomes the first president to address the nation on TV from the Oval Office, urging Americans to eat less grain so America would have more to send to Europe. Truman would not make a similar address until his farewell speech in 1953. Richard Nixon had the most Oval Office speeches, 37, and President Trump so far has six.

In 1888 – The Pittsburgh Allegheneys defeat the Washington Nationals 5-1 with Pud Galvin becoming the first major league (ML) pitcher to win 300 games. (This was a National League game. The American Association was also a major league in 1888.) Galvin would retire after the 1892 season with 365 wins, which is still good for fifth on the all-time list.

In 1959 – Bobby Darin is at #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 with Mack the Knife for the first of six consecutive weeks and nine non-consecutive weeks. The song also went to #6 on Billboard’s R&B chart and to #1 in Great Britain and remains Darin’s only #1 song. Earlier this year, for its 60th anniversary, Billboard ranked Mack the Knife #3 on its list of all-time Top 100 singles.

Answer To The Last Trivia Question
Explorer 1 was the American satellite to orbit the earth. It was launched in January 1958, sent data back to Earth for four months and remained in orbit until 1970.

Today’s Stumper
What two songs are ranked ahead of Mack the Knife on Billboard’s all-time Top 100 list? – Answer next time!

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