The Diary of a Nobody – April 11, 2018

Meet Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Wednesday, April 11
Spent some time with the latest coach for our Post baseball team this morning after work. His name is Kellen and he’s our second coach in a month…Recall Rusty retired after last season and last month I hired a kid named Ryan who I liked a lot but evidently either he or his wife found a job out of town and the next thing I know Jim the Adjutant has hired Kellen…I didn’t know any of this until right before last night’s Post meeting which is my fault for not keeping track of my email…This is one reason I am not running for reelection as commander…Between working as much as I do and writing and a hopefully spirited Congressional campaign, I am not paying attention to the job as I would like and the job ain’t that taxing to begin with.

Some put a lot of stock in having played college ball and knowing the game, but that doesn’t mean squat…Coaching is different than playing and we need a coach who can teach kids the lessons baseball has to teach and that is what I told Kellen over coffee this morning…I told him I had fielded more than one parental complaint about how hard Rusty worked the kids, but that’s good…Success in baseball, and other things, comes from hard work and I told Kellen that I wanted the kids treated firmly but fairly and I would support whatever he did in this regard short of daily beatings which made Kellen laugh.

We also talked about the Commander’s Award, which I’ve been passing out for the past few seasons…I told Kellen it was not automatically given to the best player…The words on the plaque are loyalty, integrity and leadership and the winner should display these qualities…Sure, he should be able to field a ground ball and not bail out on a curveball and whatnot but really it’s an award for a good player and a good teammate…I told Kellen this because the coach actually picks the recipient, not me. 

Kellen was actually at the Post meeting last night…He introduced himself and answered some questions and said we should have 13-15 kids on our team this year, which are good numbers…We working with the state Legion office to get an official Legion league out here in the hinterlands, but I don’t think there are going to be enough teams to pull that off…Still, though, if we have a good enough season we might be able to qualify for B Division state tournament…We actually won it a few years back and it was a lot of fun.

I think our neighbors across the street actually moved out…Recall I could have sworn they were moving in last week…They had a U-Haul and it really looked like they were moving things in…But the house appears to be vacant…There aren’t any lights on at night and the driveway is empty…This actually makes sense…The house is for sale and the online listing says it’s now empty, the pics were of the old furnishings that were moved out…They’re asking $220,000 for it which seems a bit high, but the guy down the street got $330,000

The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence.

The Diary of a Nobody was inspired by the 18th century British novel of the same name.


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