January 7, 2018

The On This Date segment has been around since the very first Daily Dose ran ten years ago at the old Writer’s Shack. We included it because not only because we enjoy history, but because it’s useful to take a big-picture look at the events that shaped our human experience.

And the segment is never cut-and-pasted, either. Though most entries are repeat offenders, each one is written from scratch because as we age our perspective as both a person and a writer changes, meaning an angle of an event that hadn’t been explored before is sometimes presented.

It’s rare when we can provide a personal story about an On This Date item, but today we can. January 7th is the anniversary of the first game played by the Harlem Globetrotters. When I was in high school in Los Angeles in the early 1980’s they trained on campus during the winter, where they also tried out fresh talent. Our campus used to be owned by the Catholics before us Lutherans took over, and it came complete with dorms and a cafeteria, in addition to the required gym. The Trotters were very friendly and it was one of our first instances of realizing famous people were just like you and me, except maybe they were more talented. More is shared in the On This Date item.

We’ve seen the Trotters in a variety of locations: Los Angeles, San Diego, Las Vegas, Rochester, Minnesota and they are always a treat to watch.

Also today, we chat about the College Football Playoff in The Daily Dose and Paul Harvey has our Thought for the Day. 

Have a good day,


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